Saturday 13 February 2010

my dream.

it was really strange. at first i was sitting at home, waiting to go to my job. my dad was making me late, so i told him i'd wait to go in an hour late (incase they docked my pay). when i got there, i jumped in a swimming pool (i don't know why there was a swimming pool there.) and just swam around for a bit without a care in the world. then i remembered i had to be at work, so i got up, and went to the aisle with the shampoo (there is no ailse with shampoo at my work. i sell bedding. i was dreaming i worked in the big tesco - supermarket in town.) and saw a non-existent workfriend. we said hello, and i told him i'd been an hour late. he told me none of the managers were in, and that i should go sign in on my sign-in sheet and just pretend that i'd been there all the time.

i walked away & down the long aisle, when everything began to change. i got smaller (i'm about 5'6) and i shrunk to 4'10. i looked down at me and saw that i was wearing a red dress. i looked in the mirror to my left and thought it looked like water. i looked up to the black sky blistered with silver stars. the night was dark. and i felt wash over me, this immense feeling of contentment. and i started speaking to myself (non-verbally. in my mind.) 'you know sarah, nothing matters ultimately. don't get so frett up about these dumb things. just do what you want. none of it matters ultimately.'

i also have little flashes of different parts of the dream, when i was watching an advert about hairdye and i really truely believed in this particular hairdye brand. like i really defended it, wholeheartedly. suddenly i was blonde, and i thought to myself 'oh it doesn't suit me. however, i'm sure if i dye it again it'll look good!'

i remember seeing my aunties all gathered in my parents house conservatry. i hugged them all one-by-one as they spilled into the house.

i spoke to my nan today. she told me about how romanticly nomadic my family are. the irish, i think it's a trait of theirs. my nan said that her bestfriend asked her to move to england with her when she was 19, and despite having a career prospect and a sturdy job, she moved. away from her friends and family and normality. where she met my grandad. who had moved back and forth from england to ireland a couple of times. her bestfriend was his sister, and hearing that she'd moved over, he moved from liverpool down to london.

she told me about her friend, who had been upstairs in his room in his house, wondering where he should go for his holiday that year. and then he heard my grandad singing an irish song, and so he decided he'd go to ireland. when he went to ireland, he met his future wife, and they're still together now.

i think it's probably a sign. but i don't want to get too stressed out about the whole thing.

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